Friday, October 26, 2012

#ThursThreads - Week 44 - Winners

Week 44 of #ThursThreads had some great tales! Thanks to all who entered this week. I'm honored to see all of you and read your stories. It was great to have our returning regulars and some new "faces". Great thanks also goes to judge Amanda Stevens for reading all the tales.

  • Rafe B | @etcet
  • Toni Wyatt | @Toni1777
  • Ryan Strohman | @rastrohman
  • Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
  • Veronica Jordan | @RevolutionaryVJ
  • Susan Hayes | @capricia13
  • Kel Heinen | @Aightball
  • Robin Abess | @Angelique_Rider 
  • Clare Stubbs | @ClareStubbs2
  • Rebecca R Kovar | @RRKovar
  • Charles W Jones | @ChuckWesJ
  • @LupusAnthropos
  • Emily Yenawine
  • David A Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
  • Rebekah Postupak | @postupak
Amanda says: The stories were all really, really excellent and I enjoyed reading them. Lots of talent there! Here are my results.

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions
  Rafe B | @etcet
Amanda says: I’m a sucker for a good sci-fi thriller and the surprise ending gave me chills. This story very nearly won for me.

Ryan Strohman | @rastrohman
Amanda says: I can’t get enough post-apocalyptic tales and this one touched on my worst fear: fast, intelligent zombies. Yes!
Amanda says: Brought to mind my favorite Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man.” Good deeds aren't always what they seem. And the last line was just great!

Week 44 Winner

Veronica Jordan | @RevolutionaryVJ

Amanda says: I love the concept of a soul-washing machine!“Humility is my favorite soap at the moment.” This is just an awesome premise and very well written.

The first time I watched that white glowing energy fill up the belly of my machine I knew what I had to do. With the click of a button and the gentle hum of the engine, I had the power to harvest and re-purpose the human soul. Humanity would no longer be a game left to chance, where money or luck could determine your fate. To think that we had based the world’s economy on things like silver and gold makes me laugh. The only truly valuable thing we have ever had is life.

The churches were the first to condemn me. They painted “No man can be God!” across my office window and set fire to my house. Then it was the rich, who demanded I accept their money as a guarantee their soul could be born again into a life of privilege. Money can do a lot of things, but it cannot scrub sin from your soul. Every bad decision, every self-serving choice is forever emblazoned there; a charcoal streak on silky white fabric. With my machine, my soul-washing machine, I can remove those marks…for a price.

Humility is my favorite soap at the moment. It can clean a soul in a single lifetime if used correctly.

There are a few who continue to fight against me. I can only laugh. Even millions of humans couldn't stop me. The machine and I are eternal, invincible. As far as I’m concerned, we are God.

Congratulations Veronica, Rafe, Ryan, and Lupus! Claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :)

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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