Friday, January 2, 2015

#ThursThreads - Week 149 New Year's - Winners

Week 149 of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales. I'm honored to see all of the returning writers and read your stories, especially on a holiday. It was so nice to see so many of you this week! Thank you for coming back again and again to write and for helping me celebrate these years of flash. Great thanks to George Varhalmi for judging this week. Be sure to check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on FB to keep up with news, etc.

  • Sandi Layne | @sandyquill
  • Charley Emma | @lindorfan
  • Sheilagh Lee | @SweetShiel
  • Silver James | @SilverJames_
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
  • Olivia Starke | @OliviaStarke
  • Kelly Heinen | @Aightball 
  • A.J. Walker | @zevonesque

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions

Olivia Starke | @OliviaStarke
George says: I found this tale cute and fun, and it was a contender for the winner. The heroine was reluctantly adapting and got caught in the act. Cute.
Sandi Layne | @sandyquill
George says: Interesting tale. I really liked the twist at the end.

Week 149 Winner

George says: I loved this story for its poignancy and it really it what love is. It's more than just appearance and Silver captured it wonderfully.

Georgie’s fingers trembled, rustling the tissue paper filling the gold-foil box. Her throat worked, contracting as she swallowed. Her gaze barely lingered after colliding with his.

Clay attempted to speak but words came out mangled, his voice a rusty saw on metal pipe. He cleared his throat, spoke again. “Georgie? What’s wrong?” His insides twisted as he second-guessed the gift. Maybe it was too soon. Or too forward. Or maybe he was the world’s biggest idiot. “Sweet pea?”

Her fingers fussed with the tissue, shoulders slumped and chin tucked against her chest. “Why did you buy this?”

Her question whispered from between chapped lips and he was torn between wanting to kiss her or passing her the water glass with the bent straw. “Because I wanted you to have it.”

"But it’s red lingerie.” She looked up, her eyes holding some emotion he wasn’t sure he wanted to identify.

“Red is your color.”

The tear caught Clay by surprise. He settled next to her on the hospital bed, gathering her close. Brushing away the tear with a gentle swipe of his thumb, he kissed her forehead. “You are beautiful, Georgie.”

She pushed against him ineffectually and the scarf on her bald head slipped off. “No, I’m not.”

“Look at me, sweet pea. You will always be beautiful to me because I love you.”

“Even sick?”

“You’re alive. That’s all that matters.” He kissed her then, to prove his point. That she was alive and that he loved her.

Congratulations TEN TIME WINNER Silver, Olivia, and Sandi! Don't forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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