Friday, January 17, 2014

#ThursThreads - 2nd Anniversary Week 104 - Winners

Week 104 TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales and a great turnout. I'm honored to see all of the returning writers and read your stories. Thank you for coming back again and again to write and for helping me celebrate to great years of flash. It was also wonderful to have some new folks stop by. Welcome! Great thanks to Cara Michaels for judging this week. :)

  • Eric Martell | @drmagoo
  • Rafe Brox | @etcet
  • Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
  • Rebecca Brennan | @bexbrennan
  • Jeff Hollar | @Klingorengi
  • Anna Lund | @AnnaLund2011
  • Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir 
  • Wendy Strain | @WendyStrain
  • Silver James | @SilverJames_
  • Lizzie Koch | @Lizzie_Koch
  • Ruth Long | @Bullishink
  • Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
  • Nara Malone | @nara_malone
  • SJ Maylee | @SJMaylee
  • Nellie Batz | @solimond
  • Jessica P West | @West1Jess
  • Cate Derham | @Cate_Derham
Cara says: Great batch of stories this week, ranging from historical intrigue to loads of magic to a futuristic robots and space flight. Thank you all for writing!

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions

Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
Cara says: Poor Beamer and those pesky calculations. I love the concept of this story and the interactions between Beamer and Bobby.

Silver James | @SilverJames_
Cara says: Crisp and well written as always. You establish emotional depth very quickly and those final sentences are heartbreaking.

Ruth Long | @Bullishink
Cara says: LOL! Tender bits, jiggly bits, this conversation cracked me up. Weasel is a great character and this moment really zings.

Week 104 Winner

Cara says: When the shit hits the fan, lol. What an opener. Your integration of the prompt into the story is my favorite. It’s smooth and fits perfectly in the moment. Love the snarky tone to this entire piece. Is it an inner monologue? Some sergeant’s idea of a pep talk? I could see it go either way in a bigger story, and it’s great.

Apocalypse Options

When the feces make contact with the rotating oscillator and you’re up to your armpits in undead annoyances, your options are somewhat…limited. You can’t run away screaming like a little girl. Well, okay, you can but that’s not gonna work. Sure, the bastards are pretty damned slow; that’s not the issue. The problem comes in where do you run to and what do you do when you get there? If you head back to the base camp and the best story you got is everybody got killed and you didn’t have any choice…that may just work.

More likely than not, though, just about the time you get a cold shower and some colder food inside you, things will get real interesting. One of the guys you threw to the metaphorical wolves will come stumbling back in, covered in gore and screaming out what a punk you were to abandon them. If that’s how things go down, trust me, you’d have been better off to have just stayed out there, plopped down with an apple in your mouth, and let the walkers serve you up as a tasty entrĂ©e. That’s not a real appealing option either, by the way.

No, what happens is you knuckle down and fight like a sumbitch. You need to focus on making every shot count and making sure you always keep one in reserve in case…aww, let’s face it, for when things get terminal. Life…it’s a game nobody wins anyway, so good luck with that, eh?

Congratulations Three Time Winner Jeff, Mark, Silver, and Ruth! Don't forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! Jeff, PM me your email address for your gift card. 

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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