Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothers are amazing. They put up with so much stuff and yet still manage to say they love you and tuck you in to bed each night, read you a story, and give you a kiss. They offer advice (some wanted; some unwanted) and teach you all sorts of things about males, animals, etiquette, and . . . being a mother. In addition to my own mother, I know some particularly amazing mothers, many from my own generation.

So, here are some of the very coolest mothers I know. Ladies, my hat's off to you. Thanks for sharing your "motherness" with me!

Sara is a cake decorator and a horsewoman who sees cougars and bears almost every day.  Her daughters help her make Christmas ornaments every year. So creative!

Allene is a medical doctor and loves "catching babies". She now has one of her own to teach all the great things about the outdoors and internal medicine!

Sarah now has three kids, a husband, and a full time job as a math teacher. She's amazing!

Gwyneth has taught me how to be steadfast. She's had plenty of medical challenges with her son, yet she keeps on going. She also sews ALL the Halloween costumes for her son. You rock, Gwyn!

Betsy has taught me the value of patience and reconfiguration when it comes to dealing with daughters. She has two of them who are now college aged and she's seen it all. She's also helped me when I'm stuck in a story. Marcus (and I) thanks you, Betsy! :)

And finally, my own mom, Kate, with her two granddaughters. Any ability I have with my own children came from her being a great mom. Thanks, Mom.

And to two other mothers, Lanya and Stephanie: I didn't have any awesome photos of you so I couldn't post them, but Lanya has always offered me a balanced perspective on child rearing and Stephanie has reminded me how to keep the kid in me alive even when being a parent.

To all the mothers in my life, thanks. I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!

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Comments are on moderation, so they'll become visible once I've read them. Words, words, words. I love them. Have you a few to lend?

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