Friday, July 12, 2013

#ThursThreads - Week 78 - Winners

Week 78 of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales! I'm honored to see all of the returning writers and read your stories. Thank you for coming back again and again to write. And welcome to the new folks who stopped by. Great thanks to SJ Maylee for judging this week. :)

  • Lizzie Koch | @Lizzie_Loodles
  • Cara Michaels | @caramichaels
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
  • Jeff Hollar | @klingorengi
  • Silver James | @SilverJames_
  • Brandon Yusuf Toropov | @BYToropov
  • Sandra Bunino | @SandraBunino
  • Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
  • Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
SJ says: This was harder than I thought it was going to be. I have to say, there were a lot of heart breakers. I’m hoping the authors find a way to make it up to their characters. :)

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions 

Lizzie Koch | @Lizzie_Loodles 
SJ says: I really enjoyed the start of this flash. The memories and emotions are right up front. Then, it all changes. There was nothing I could do, but read to the sad end. Powerfully sad.

Silver James | @SilverJames_
SJ says: This flash was entertaining and I loved the end. I want to read the dream scene. ;)
  Sandra Bunino | @SandraBunino
SJ says: This flash starts all sexy and fun and then it made me cry. Love the range of emotion here. My fingers are crossed that Sandra will write a happy ending for Hillary.
Week 78 Winner

SJ says: This poor guy. Sure, he’s checked out, but nothing is going right for him. That is until he picks out a new outfit. LOL! I laughed all the way through the description. I bet he did look outstanding.

"I'll see you there, darling. I'm going straight from work. Wear the new blue suit. Pick a tie that matches." Her voice cold and hard before she hung up.

Her mania for things that match.

I stared out the window at the darkening sky and spotted a starling, hurtling upward, beyond a poplar. Then out of the frame of the window. I dropped the cell phone on the floor. It made a sharp sound on the hardwood that I liked. Perhaps I had cracked something.

All the wine I would be expected to drink. All the smiles I would be obliged to return. All the hands I would have to shake. All the family stories I was sick of telling and hearing. At the base of it all, the ache of hypocrisy. Our little secrets. Her affair. My affair. Just so we could get through Christmas with her family.

Family reunion or no family reunion, this marriage, I decided, was over tonight.

All the papers signed. No kids to hurt. No secrets worth keeping.

A text message flashed on the (apparently still functional) cell phone where it lay face-up on the bedroom floor. (White shirt. Cream tie. The wingtips.)

I picked out a green-and-orange polka dot shirt and an ancient pair of mauve-checkered slacks.

No tie.

Black Crocs.

No socks.

I tried on the outfit and posed in it before the mirror. I looked outstanding.

See you there, darling.

Congratulations Brandon, Lizzie, Silver, and Sandra! Don't forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :)

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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