Friday, June 14, 2013

#ThursThreads - Week 74 - Winners


Week 74 of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales! Thanks to all who came to write yesterday. I'm honored to see all of the returning writers and read your stories. Thank you for coming back again and again to write. Great thanks go to Miranda Kate for reading the stories.

  • Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
  • Ryan Derham | @Ryan_Derham
  • Lizzie Koch | @lizzie_loodles
  • Silver James | @SilverJames_
  • Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
  • Sandra Bunino | @SandraBunin
  • Stacy Bennett-Hoyt | @Rowanwolf66
  • @LupusAnthropos
  • S. J. Maylee | @SJMaylee

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions
Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
Miranda says: Another humourous tale, using the Gods and deities from the Roman period. I loved the idea of a ‘little war’ and a God being ‘pussy whipped’ with them all in a bar together too. Really enjoyable read.

Lizzie Koch | @lizzie_loodles
Miranda says: As an over spender myself, I know that little voice well, and ignoring it is an artform! LOL I also liked the flow of this piece, clear and concise.

Stacy Bennett-Hoyt | @Rowanwolf66
Miranda says: I liked this, I knew those type of girls, many years ago now, and I could easily envisage them in that bathroom, and hear that conversation. Nice piece, flowed well and was very visual.
Week 74 Winner

Miranda says: This piece made me laugh out loud! Very funny. The initial lead in makes you think it is just someone on a normal diet, but the killer last line turns it completely on its head. It flowed well, and was a quick, humourous read.

"Not even a little one?"

"Especially not a little one. Am I going to have to reconsider my decision?"

"No. No. I can do this."

"Your gluttony isn't going to get the better of you?"

"No. I can keep to the scheduled meals."

"And no snacking?"

"Only what's on the approved list."

"This isn't going to easy, you know. You and your partner will have to be accountable to each other every step of the way. I'm not going to see you again until you are done."

"We are not going to disappoint you."

"Okay. I'm still going to send you to Earth, but you are NOT to eat the inhabitants - not even a little one."

Congratulations THREE TIME WINNER Lupus, Mark, Lizzie, and Stacy! Don't forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :)

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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