Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Big (HUGE) News

A couple of weeks ago I attendedI the Arizona Dream' Romance Reader Event in Tempe (and I'm planning to go again next year). I had a wonderful time, learned a lot about being an author and writing, and met a lot of amazing people.

Some of those people were the folks of Sapphire Blue Publishing. I was given the opportunity to pitch my story to them and at the end of the pitch, they asked me to send them my manuscript and a synopsis. I was so excited about it, I had to sit down because my legs were shaking. I called my husband and he let out a war whoop! Not every "new" author gets their manuscript requested. I'm still excited just writing about it!

Yesterday, I sent the manuscript, synopsis and "cover email" off to them. That was an even bigger spike of excitement for me. According to their website, it should take about 16 weeks for them to make a decision. In the meantime, I'll be working on The Bone Flute (excerpt on previous post And the Winner Is . . . ).

I want to say a huge thank you to my critique group (Natascha McIntyre, L. Ross, Tom Keller) for helping me scour the novel until the best story came out and my kick-ass editor EK Yenawine, who corrected all my nitpicky mistakes and even my cover email. Your efforts and help have been invaluable.

So think good thoughts that Jeff Lightfoot's story is coming out (because it is; the story is just that good :D) and I'll let you know when I have an acceptance. Until then, happy reading! :)

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