Week Six of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales! Huge thank you to all who entered this week. It was great to see all of you and read your tales. And it was great to have some new "faces" join us. Another huge thank you to judge
LupusAnthropos for reading through all the stories.
- Bethany Lopez | @BethanyLopez2
- Kimberly | @Kimmydonn
- Cara Michaels | @caramichaels
- Wakefield Mahon | @WakefieldMahon
- Jen DeSantis | @JenD_Author
- Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
- Lenore Diane | @Lenore_Diane
- Kat Halstead | @KatDVS
- Janie Crouch | @JanieCrouch
- Antonio Angelo | @AntonioAngelo21
- Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
- Tina Seeborg | @tinaofborg
- Corgzilla | @ModernBard1024
- Charles W Jones | @ChuckWesJ
- Margie C McNulty | @charitygirlblog
- @LupusAnthropos
- Jeffrey Hollar | @Klingorengi
- Nellie Batz | @solimond
- Miranda Gammella | @MLGammella
- Aurora Lee | @AuroraLee
- Sarah Aisling | @SarahAisling
Winners Announcement:
Honorable Mentions
Margie C McNulty | @charitygirlblog
Lupus says: Nicely set scene, leaving him with exactly what he deserved and nothing more.
Antonio Angelo | @AntonioAngelo21
Lupus says: Very touching use of the prompt.
Janie Crouch | @JanieCrouch
Lupus says: Dark, creepy, and well developed.
Week Six Winner
Lupus says: Great twist. Started out sounding like a wedding, but turned out to be a funeral - and a premeditated one, at that.
“Oh, my sweet, we must get you ready for tonight,” Daniel whispers as he coaxes Janine’s hair into soft curls that frame her perfectly made up face.
Classical music plays in the background, and he closes his eyes during his favorite part, humming along before he continues.
“You’re going to look so perfect.” He straightens the neckline of her purple dress, fastening her most treasured diamond pendent around her neck. It rests against her ivory cream skin, a lovely accompaniment to her decolletage.
The last notes of the song fade out, and the only sound in the room comes from the vents which pump in chilled air.
A light tap on the door draws his attention. “It’s time, Daniel. Are you ready?”
“As a matter of fact, we are.” His eyes return to her beauty. “Jared will escort you in, dear one.”
After spending a few moments alone in the hall, he opens the double doors and enters the room, gazing around pleased. The chairs are lined up in perfect rows, the flowers exquisite.
The priest nods to Daniel, and he walks up the aisle to stand before his beloved. Kneeling, he pats his chest, feeling the comforting thickness of the envelope which holds the life insurance policy. With a tingle of anticipation, he leans forward, fingers caressing the satin liner of the coffin. He brushes his lips against Janine’s cool, hard cheek.
"You look great, and yeah, you’re worth a million bucks."
Congratulations Sarah, Margie, Antonio, and Janie! Claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :)
Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories
here and I hope to see you all back next week for #ThursThreads. :)